Programme SAP RIAFRU20 - Display Confirmations

Display Completion Confirmations

With the help of these reports, you can create a list of completionconfirmations that meet specific selection criteria.

You can

  • Cancel completion confirmations

  • from the generated list.
    To do this, select the desired completion confirmation from the list
    and choose Completion confirmation -> Cancel.
    The system will flag the completion confirmation as canceled from thenon.
    • Display completion confirmation details

    • To do this, select the desired completion confirmation from the list
      and choose Goto -> Completion confirmation.
      You will then see the detail screen for completion confirmations.
      • Display the order for a completion confirmation

      • To do this, select the desired completion confirmation and choose
        Goto -> Order.
        • Display the long text for a completion confirmation

        • To do this, select the desired completion confirmation and choose
          Goto -> Long text.
          • Display equipment and functional locations for completion
          • confirmations
            To do this, select the desired completion confirmation and chooseEnvironment -> Equipment or Environment ->Funct. locs.

61861Performance improvement in PM & SM lists (indexes)