Programme SAP RHZDATA0 - Migration: ZDATA --> CI

This report enables you to migrate data from the variable end-userfield (ZDATA) to Customer Includes (CI):
The database tables HRPAD25, HRPAD27 and HRPAD34all contain the field ZDATA. This report enables you to transferthe user-definable content of the ZDATA field to the correspondingCustomer Includes CI_PAD25, CI_PAD27 and CI_PAD34.


  • HRPAD25-ZDATA --> CI_PAD25

  • This parameter enables you to transfer the contents of the ZDATA fieldof the database table HRPAD25 to the Customer Include CI_PAD25. Toexecute this option, you must specify a data dictionary structure as aparameter that represents the data structure of the field ZDATA. Inaddition, you must add the same fields to the CI in exactly the samesequence.
    • HRPAD27-ZDATA --> CI_PAD27

    • This parameter enables you to transfer the contents of the ZDATA fieldin the database table HRPAD27 to the Customer Include CI_PAD27. Toexecute this option, you must specify a data dictionary structure as aparameter that represents the data structure of the ZDATA field. Inaddition, you must add the same fields in exactly the same sequence tothe CI.
      • HRPAD34-ZDATA --> CI_PAD34

      • This parameter enables you to transfer the contents of the ZDATA fieldof the database table HRPAD34 to the Customer Include CI_PAD34. Toexecute this option, you must specify a data dictionary structure as aparameter that represents the data structure of the field ZDATA. Inaddition, you must add the same fields to the CI in exactly the samesequence.
        • Plan version

        • In this required parameter, you must specify a plan version to restrictthe data to be migrated to one specific plan version.
          • Lock objects involved

          • In this parameter, you can specify whether the objects affected by thechange should be locked.

            For more information, see SAP Note 542091.

542091Migration from ZDATA to CI-include