Programme SAP RHXP_CRMQ - Define CRM Qualifications

The report Define CRM Qualifications (RHP_CRMQ) lets you selectqualifications from your company-specific qualifications catalog, whichyou then define as attributes for agents in the business scenarioTelesales.


The evaluation period proposed by the system is the lowest system datein the Start date field and the highest system date in theEnd date field. We recommend that you accept these entries.
To access the qualifications catalog, choose Program -->Execute.
To create qualifications, select the qualifications you require fromthe catalog and choose Transfer. The system automaticallytransfers the selected qualifications to the Application Areainfotype (1070). This is used to store the selected data.
To delete qualifications, deselect the ones you do not require in thequalifications catalog and choose Transfer. The systemautomatically deletes the qualifications from the ApplicationArea infotype (1070).

You have imported the PlugIn 2000.2 in your HR System.