Programme SAP RHXINLV0 - Internal Activity Allocation for Attendees

This report lets you carry out internal activity allocation forbusiness events between organizer and attendee by means of credit anddebit memos.
The cost center of the cost object of the business event (sender) iscredited and the cost center of the account assignment objectsspecified for fee assignment (receiver) is debited.
Attendance fees can be distributed on a percentage basis to accountassignment objects (cost center, order, PSP element and project).
Fund Accounting objects (fund, function area, grant) can also betransferred to CO when Fund Accounting is active.
In addition, you can cancel bookings for attendees for whom costs havealready been allocated. You can change price or cost center assignmentdata as long as costs for the attendee have not yet been allocated.
You can specify the cost distribution and account assignment data inthe function Book/Payment info (in the dialog box) or on thereport's list screen using the function Maintain fee assignment.

You activate integration with Cost Accounting (CO) for activityallocation purposes in Customizing for Training and Event Managementunder Internal Activity Allocation.


  • Attendance must be flagged as 'relevant for activity allocation'.

  • You make this assignment when you execute the function Book/PaymentInfo. If you do not use this function and book attendance withoutfee assignment, the settings made for the attendee type in Customizingunder Specify Attendee Type Control apply.
    • The attendee may not be on the waiting list.

    • The attendee's cost center assignment must be maintained.

    • The account assignment object (cost center/order/PSP element) must be
    • maintained.
      • The sender cost center must be maintained.

      • The sender cost center and the account assignment object must be in the
      • same controlling area.
        • The activity type must be maintained.

        • Note
          To be able to use the internal activity allocation functions, you mustfirst create a network of activities. You must define plannedactivities and prices and the relevant activity types for the costcenters involved in the allocation process. For Training and EventManagement purposes, however, it is sufficient to plan the activityprice of the sender cost center together with the activity type set inCustomizing in the step DS:SIMG.SIMG_OHP3OOCA>Specify Activity Types
          The following points regarding activity typeare important:
          ACTIVITY CATEGORY = 1 (manual entry andallocation) with the corresponding cost element (see point 2)
          COST ELEMENT= secondary (internal allocationscreated by you, the customer)
          cost element type = 43 (internal activity allocation)
          Planning activities/activity prices
          activity price = 1


          You can set parameters to determine the data output by the report:
          Business event selection
          There are a number of ways to start the report:
          Enter one or more business event groups. The system finds all ofthe business events belonging to the specified group(s) and lists theattendees.
          Enter one or more business event types. The system finds all ofthe business events and attendees belonging to the specified type(s).
          Enter one or more business events whose attendee fees are to beallocated.
          Reporting period
          Enter the exact period for which you want to determine attendees forallocation.
          List output
          You can specify what data the report should output, such as attendeesnot yet allocated, already allocated or can beallocated for the events specified.
          You can select the indicator Hide non-relevant to specify thatbusiness events for which the report finds no results are not displayedin the list.
          Document date
          Enter a date in this field if you want to change the default date ofthe activity allocation. This date is used purely for informationpurposes. The default date is usually the current date.
          Posting date
          The date in this field indicates when costs are to be posted to CO, inother words, the settlement period. The default date is usually thebusiness event start date. You can overwrite this date asrequired.
          You want to perform activity allocation for an attendee of an eventthat started on February 2 of this year. However, you want costsallocated in the second quarter rather than in the first quarter. Inthis case, you enter April 2 of this year as the posting date.
          Standard selection screen
          If you select this indicator and choose Execute, you access themore detailed selection screen of the main report RHINLV00 before thereport is run.
          On the selection screen of the main report you can search for objectsby 'status', for example. As a rule, it is not necessary to go to themain report since the selection screen of the pre-report offerssufficient selection options. If you do not want to access the detailedselection screen, do not activate this option before choosingExecute.

          The report outputs a list containing the following information perbusiness event:

          • Business event:

          • Attendee

          • Organizational assignment

          • Sender cost center

          • Activity type

          • Activity allocation price

          • Account assignment object(s) (e.g. receiving cost center)

          • Document number

          • You can perform activity allocation from the list screen.
            If you select attendees for activity allocation and choose Createactivity allocation, all activity allocation data is transferred toCO.
            The following process flow takes place:
            A validation check is performed on the document items.
            If the items are validated, a reference document is generated with thestatus transfer designated.
            The BAPI/ALE for the activity allocation is called.
            The status of the reference document changes to transfer effected (yellow/amber light).
            Due to the fact that the systems may be decoupled (CO and PE indistributed systems), confirmation of this transaction is necessary toensure that the transaction has actually been executed.
            For this purpose, you must call the function Compare document.The system searches for the original CO document.
            If it finds the original document, the status of the reference documentchanges to Transfer confirmed (green light).
            You can display the original document by choosing View ->Ref. <-> Original document.
            If the original document cannot be found, the status of the referencedocument changes to Transfer incorrect (red light).
            For more information on the procedure when the original document cannotbe found, refer to Error diagnosis.
            You can execute the following functions from the list screen:
            • Display the document flow for business event, in other words,
            • all of the relevant allocation data that exists for the business event.(The cursor must be positioned on the business event.)
              • Display the document flow for the attendee, in other words, all
              • of the relevant allocation data that exists for the attendee. (Thecursor must be positioned on the attendee.)
                • Display document (reference document)

                • Display error log (confirmations of check/execution of activity
                • allocation)
                  • Check whether the relevant data can be allocated. This function
                  • also checks whether the settlement period is closed, in which case,data transfer to CO is not allowed.
                    • Cancel document: If activity allocation was incorrect, you can
                    • cancel the CO document and execute the function again. This process isequivalent to generating a new document.
                      • Change the fee and assignment for not yet allocated
                      • attendees.
                        • Attendance list

                        • Cancellation list
                        • Note
                          If you are perfoming activity allocation in distributed systems (HR undCO in different systems), please note the information contained inSet Activity Allocation for Training and EventManagement.