Programme SAP RHXCPRI0 - Calculate Business Event Prices and Transfer to Infotype 1021 'Price'

This report finds all the cost items stored for a business event andcalculates them on the basis of reservation times and reference units.
The price proposed is the price for an individual attendee, enablingyou to fix realistic prices that adequately cover your business eventcosts. You can adopt the proposed price as the business event price.
You can determine a price for one or more business eventssimultaneously as required. The same applies to adopting the proposedprice as the business event price for multiple events at one go.

This report is the pre-report of RHCPRI00.

The report calculates a price proposal based on the cost items storedfor the event and either the optimum capacity or the actual number ofattendees booked for the event. You adopt the proposed price for yourbusiness event by transferring it to infotype 1021.
When you transfer the proposed price, any other prices stored for bothinternal and external attendees are overwritten.
You can also use this report to calculate price proposals foralternative event schedules and costs (subtypes of the infotypesTime Schedule and Costs).
The following items are added together to determine a price proposal:
Cost items of business event (E)
Cost items of business event type (D)
Cost items of resources (G) reserved for the event
Cost items of the resource types (R) related with the business eventtype
Cost items of the equipment (R) in the room reserved for the event
If the same cost items are maintained for both the event and the eventtype, the values stored for the event itself are taken. The sameapplies to cost items stored for resource types and resources, thevalues stored for the actual resources are taken.

You can specify what data you want included in the report:

Business event selection
There are multiple options for starting the report:
Enter one or more business event groups: The system determinesall of the business events that belong to these groups and determinesprice proposals for each of them.
Enter one or more business event types: The system determinesall of the business events that belong to these groups and determinesprice proposals for each of them.
Enter one or more business events directly: The systemdeterminesprice proposals for each of them.

Reporting period
Enter the period for which you want a price proposed. The report onlyincludes business events whose start date lies within the selectionperiod.

You must specify the currency for the price proposal.

Basis: Optimum capacity
You can select this parameter to specify that the report should alwaysuse the optimum capacity determined for the business event as thecalculation basis. (This is the business event capacity taking the roomcapacity into account.)
If you do not select this parameter, the calculation basis depends onthe planning status of the business event as follows:
If a business event is in planned status, the optimum capacity(under consideration of the resource capacity) is taken. If a businessevent is in firmly booked status, the actual number of attendeesbooked is used for price determination.

Standard selection screen
If you select this indicator and choose Execute, then before thereport is executed, it takes you to the extended selection screen ofthe main report RHCPRI00.
On the selection screen of the main report, you can search for objectsby status, for example. You can use subtypes of the infotypes Costs
and Schedule as the basis for the calculation.
If the pre-report offers sufficient selection options, do not selectthis indicator to access the main report before choosing Execute

The report outputs the following information per business event:

  • The individual cost items

  • The origin of the individual cost items (e.g. resource)

  • The status of the individual cost items

  • The price of the individual cost items

  • The reference unit (e.g. time)

  • The sum total of business event costs (proposed price) and the
  • calculation basis used (such as the optimum capacity of the businessevent)
    • The individual amount of business event costs per attendee

    • You can execute the following functions from the list screen:
      • Transfer the proposed price as the business event price. To do so, you
      • must select the indicator Propose as business event price andchoose Execute price proposal. When you do so, the price istransferred to the Price infotype (1021) appended to the businessevent.
        Transfer the proposed price to all business events in the report withthe function Select all.
        • Display the resource list of the business event

        • Display the resources not yet assigned, in other words,
        • resources that have not yet been reserved and are still required forthe event.

          The following cost items are relevant for a five-day business eventwith the optimum number of attendees (the calculation basis for theprice proposal):
          For the business event itself:

          • 10.- Training manuals (per attendee)

          • For the corresponding business event type:
            • 15.- Training manuals (per attendee)

            • 20.- Beverages and catering (per attendee)

            • Reserved resources:
              • 200.- Room (per day)

              • Resource types:
                • 150.- Room (per day)

                • The price proposal results from adding the following items:
                  • 100,- Training manuals (origin: business event)

                  • 200.- Beverages and catering (origin: business event type)

                  • 1000.- Room (origin: business event)

                  • The sum total of 1300.- is divided by ten (the optimum capacity)resulting in a price proposal of 130.- per attendee. If you select theoption Propose as business event price and choose Executeprice proposal, the price of 130.- is written to infotype 1021 asinternal and external price of the business event.