Programme SAP RHXCGRP0 - Business Event Hierarchy

Starting from a business event group or type, this report displays allthe underlying nodes in the business event hierarchy.

The report output depends on the parameters you set.

Business event type
If you select this parameter and enter a business event type (using asearch string to find business event ID), the report displays therelevant business event type with all business event dates scheduled inthe selection period you specified. The attendee lists are alsodisplayed.

Business event group
If you select this parameter and enter a business event group (using asearch string to find business event group ID), the report displays therelevant group with all underlying groups, types, dates scheduled andthe pertinent attendee lists.

Standard selection screen
This is not a data selection parameter. If you select this indicatorand choose Execute, then before the report is executed, it takesyou to the extended selection screen of the main report RHCGROUP.
On the selection screen of the main report, you can search for objectsby, for example, status. As a rule, it is not necessary to go to themain report since the pre-report offers sufficient selection options.Do not select this indicator if you do not want to access the mainreport before choosing Execute.

The report output contains the following information:

  • Selection period

  • Business event language

  • Business event group name

  • Business event name (event type)

  • Business event dates

  • Business event status

  • Business event location

  • Business event attendee lists

  • Business event bookings

  • Booking priorities of the individual attendees

  • Booking days of the individual attendees

  • The following display options and functions are availablefrom the hierarchy screen:
    • Choose Structural Graphics to display the hierarchy in graphical
    • format.
      • Choose Brochure to display a brochure of the business event
      • groups and types in the structure.
        • Choose Prices to access the selection screen of report RHKBRO20
        • with which you can generate a list of business event prices.