Programme SAP RHWPC_HDCNT2SKF - Transferring Headcount to Statistical Key Figures

Data Transfer of Quota Planning Results to Accounting

With this report you post the planning results for each controllingarea and fiscal year from the current quota planning to Accounting
(AC). The job-based quota planning is thereby shown as astatistical key figure for each cost center.
A second statistical key figure describes the difference between thequota planning and the current required positions.
Note that you must have entered both these statistical key figures inthe AC system and in the HR system in table T77S0 (System Table)(see prerequisites).

This report creates the interface between quota planning in HumanResources and in Accounting.


  • You have set up the following switches in your HR system in table T77S0
  • (System Table):
    SKFCO / COPLS ,,(Plan source for CO data transfer)
    SKFCO / KFACNT,,(Statistical key figure for the difference between theplanned number and the actual number of positions (change))
    SKFCO / KBCNT,,(Statistical key figure for the planned number ofpositions (budget))
    With these entries you specify the plan source in Accounting andthe statistical key figures.
    Note that you you have already created the statistical key figures youstore here in Accounting.
    • If your systems are detached, in other words HR and AC are in two
    • separate systems, you must set up an ALE distribution for HumanResources.
      For further information on the ALE distribution, see the documentationon setting up the business package Manager Self-Service(transaction SIMG_SPORT) under Manager Self-Service -> QuotaPlanning -> Set Up ALE Scenario AC - HR
      • You start the data transfer with this report in the HR system.
      • Features

        Under Required Positions, you store the following information:

        • Plan version

        • By default the system suggests the current plan (01) as the planversion.
          • Required Positions

          • The default is the second plan. Note that the second plan is thecurrent plan. When you execute the report, the first plan is alreadycompleted.
            • Period

            • The system gives the current year as the posting period. You cannotmake entries in this field.
              Under Parameters for Accounting, you store the controlling areaand the fiscal year.
              Note that you must before the transfer for each controlling area andeach fiscal year.
              If you want to restrict the data transfer to a period within the fiscalyear specified and/or to cost centers within the controlling areaspecified, choose Restrictions.
              Under Run Attributes, you can set the following flags:
              • Test Run

              • The system sets this flag by default. If you execute the report andthis flag is set, the system does not transfer the data toAccounting.
                When the flag is set you can use the report for a simulated transfer,and to obtain an overview of the future costs resulting from the plan.
                • Output Log

                • The system sets this flag by default. The flag allows you to display alog for the data transfer. Note that you can only display the log ifyou have the necessary display authorization.

                  If your systems are integrated, the system transfers the datasynchronously.
                  If your systems are separate, the system transfers the dataasynchronously in the SAP standard format IDoc.

                  Further Notes
                  When it determines the statistical key figures, the system calls theBusiness Add-In (BAdI) HRWPC00_HEADCNT2CO (Transfer of QuotaPlanning to CO.