Programme SAP RHVCHECK - Static checks in TEM

Report for Static Checks in Training and Event Management

This report lets you perform a number of different consistency checksfor the data contained in plan versions in Training and EventManagement.
For each of the checks that can be performed, the report outputs theerror status and an error message that you can use to correct theinconsistencies.
In some cases, you can double-click the error message to access thedata maintenance screen of the object and correct the error.


In the standard system, all of the checks are selected by default. Youcan, however, deselect any you do not require. The checks can also berun individually or simultaneously.

  • Integration with Room Reservation Management

  • If you select this indicator for the report, a check is carried out tosee whether the plan version specified in the report is consistent withthe one in Room Reservation Management.
    You must use the same plan version in Training and Event Management andRoom Reservation Management if both components access the sameresources (rooms).
    • Business event type additional info

    • If you select this indicator, a check is carried out to see whether the'Business Event Type Info' infotype has been maintained for all of theevent types in the plan version.
      This infotype stores information such as whether the event type is tobe included in the business event brochure, and whether it is amulti-session event.
      • Business event additional info

      • If you select this indicator, a check is carried out to see whether the'Business Event Info' infotype has been maintained for all of theevents in the plan version.
        This infotype stores information such as whether the event is internalor external, the language in which it is held, and the existence oflock or delete indicators.
        • Capacity of business event type

        • If you select this indicator, a check is carried out to see whether the'Capacity' infotype has been maintained for all of the event types inthe plan version.
          The capacity values stored for the business event type areautomatically passed on to the actual events of this type. They may beoverwritten as required.
          • Location-dependent resources

          • If you select this indicator, a check is carried out to see whether alllocation-dependent resources are related with locations.
            This relationship is necessary so that the system offers resources atthe correct location when you select resources for the business event.
            • Virtual root

            • If you select this indicator, a check is carried out to see whether avirtual root has been specified as the initial access object in thehierarchical structure of the dynamic menus (via the Customzing switchSEMIN LROOT) andwhether every branch of the structure has been related with this root.
              • Time constraint

              • If you select this indicator, a check is carried out to see if multipleassignments are allowed for the business event types and resources inthe plan version (time constraint 3).
                To check existing multiple assignments, see the parameters 'Businessevent types with multiple assignments' and 'Resources with multipleassignments'.
                • Required infotypes

                • If you select this indicator, a check is carried out to see whether theinfotypes that are mandatory for objects (such as the Relationshipinfotype for resources) have been maintained.
                  You set the 'required' indicator for infotypes in Customizing underMaintain Actions (function code DUTY in thefield 'Function code for screen variation).
                  • Attendee types

                  • If you select this indicator, a consistency check is carried out on thetable entries for attendee types in Customizing.
                    The following table entries are checked: T77S0 (switch SEMIN PTYP1through 9: display specifications regarding attendee types), T77R3(entry for allowed attendee types), T777E (entry regarding attendeetypes allowed in booking transactions).
                    • Current settings

                    • If you select this indicator, a check is carried out to see whether allof the settings that can be created in Current Settings have 'active'status or whether Customzing activities have been deactivated (in tableCUSAMEN).
                      • Unrelated business events

                      • If you select this indicator, a check is carried out to see whetherthere are business events that are not related with the pertinentbusiness event type.
                        • Business events without location

                        • If you select this indicator, a check is carried out to see whetherthere are business events that are not related with locations. Thischeck is only performed if you are using locations in Training andEvent Management (Customizing switchSEMIN ORT).
                          • Business event types with multiple relationships

                          • If you select this indicator, a check is carried out to see whether abusiness event type exists that is related with multiple event groups(see the Time Constraint parameter).
                            • Resources with multiple relationships

                            • If you select this indicator, a check is carried out to see whetherthere are resources that are assigned to multiple resources (see theTime Constraint parameter).

                              The results of the report are output in a list screen including detailsof error status, the type of check (depending on the selection optionsset) and the check result (error message).
                              The error status is indicated by means of a traffic light icon:

                              • Green light: there is no error, data is consistent.

                              • Yellow/amber light: there is a consistency error that should be
                              • corrected.
                                • Red light: there is a serious error that must be corrected.
                                • Activities
                                  Enter the plan version you want to check. Where relevant, selectindividual checks you want performed or select all and chooseExecute.
                                  The results of the report are output in list form. Edit the errormessages indicated by the red or yellow lights. You can access datamaintenance for some objects directly from the list screen. To do so,double-click the object concerned.