Programme SAP RHU_INV_STATUS_DELETE - Delete Inventoried Status for HU

You can use this function to select handling units for which you havealready performed a physical inventory. You can then delete the status"Inventoried" for these handling units, in order to perform a newphysical inventory.

You must have created a physical inventory using the functionCreate Handling Unit Inventory, and havecounted the inventory document items using the functionEnter Count Results for HU Inventory Docs..You must also have cleared an inventory differences in InventoryManagement (IM) using the function ClearDifferences from Inventory Documents, so that these handling unitshave the status "Inventoried".

When selecting handling units, you must enter at least thePlant and the Storage location. Werecommend that you limit the selection further, since a selection basedonly on plant and storage location can take a long time, depending onthe number of handling units. Examples of further selection criteria:

  • Handling Unit

  • Packaging Material

  • Material
  • List Display
    Select the type of display you require for the selected handling units.Here you have the same options that are available in the HU monitor.

    The selected handling units are displayed using the ALV Grid ControlList in the same way as the display in the HU monitor. You can choosehow the handling units are displayed on the selection screen.

    Select the handling units you require and choose Physical Inventory-->Delete Inventory Status. You can then enter new physical inventorydocuments for the handling units (see also:Create Handling Unit Inventory).