Programme SAP RHU_INV_POST - Clear Differences from Inventory Documents

You can use this function to post/clear handling units and anyinventory differences found in Inventory Management (IM). The status'In physical inventory' is deleted for these handling units, and theyare given the status 'Inventoried'.

You must have created a physical inventory using the functionCreate Handling Unit Inventory and havecounted the inventory items using the functionEnter Count Results for HU Inventory Docs..

You can limit the selection of inventory documents using the followingcriteria:

  • Inventory Number

  • Physical Inventory

  • To post the differences in IM, you must enter the Movementtype which you want to use to post the stocks.
    • Unrestricted-use

    • Quality check stock

    • Returns stock

    • Blocked stock

    • Note, that you enter the movement types for the negative differencepostings in the fields ready for input. The movement types for thepositive difference postings are always one number higher (for example,the movement type for the negative difference posting for unrestricted-use stock is 711, then the movement type for the positive differenceposting is 712). You must maintain these movement types in Customizing.
      If you do not use the standard movement types, then you must performthe following activity in the SAP Reference IMG:
      'Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory--> Movement Types --> Copy, ChangeMovement Types'.
      Select the relevant movement types then choose 'Allowedtransactions'. Enter transaction 'HUINV05' as the movement type.
      You can enter the Posting date and theDocument date to post the differences. This makessense, for example, when you want to make a posting for the previousmonth.

      Select the highest handling units and choose 'Process --> Clear item'.If there are no differences, then the system does not create a materialdocument, and the inventory is closed for the posted handling units. Ifthe system discovers differences during entry of the count results,then it creates a material document containing the differences in thephysical inventory.

      Note, that you cannot post positive stock differences withhandling units that refer to a storage type with the stock placementstrategy 'B' or 'P'. You first need to make a transfer posting forthese HUs to different storage types.
      In this case, perform the following steps:
      RESET N1
      Delete this handling unit from the physical inventory document.
      Make a transfer posting for this HU to a different storage type.
      Create a new inventory document for this handling unit.