Programme SAP RHU_INV_DOC_CREATE - Select HUs and Create Physical Inventory Documents

Creating a Handling Unit Inventory

The handling unit inventory was conceived for inventorying HU-managedstorage locations, where conventional Inventory Management cannot beimplemented.
For locations where inventory can also be taken using the WarehouseManagement system, you should use the WM inventory. This applies aslong as there are no differences for multilevel handling units andthese have not been posted. If there are differences for multilevelhandling units, there following are possible solutions:
The handling unit is canceled from the warehouse inventory. You adjustthe actual data using the transaction 'Process Handling Units'.
The handling unit is canceled from the warehouse inventory and isadjusted using the HU inventory.
In each case, to correct the error you must delete the handling unitfrom the warehouse inventory document. After correcting the handlingunit, perform another warehouse inventory for the affected storagebins. This is necessary because the HU inventory does not update anyinformation about storage bins.

The handling unit inventory should only be used for storage locationsthat are managed using HUs. For all other storage locations you mustuse conventional Inventory Management or Warehouse Inventory.

When selecting handling units, you must enter at least theplant and the storage location.However, we recommend that you limit the selection further, since aselection for plant and storage location can take a long time,depending on the number of handling units, when the number of HU itemsexceeds the maximum size of the internal table. The other selectioncriteria are as follows:

  • Handling Unit

  • Packaging Material

  • Material
  • Additional Entries
    You also have the option of using the following additional entries fromcreation of inventory documents as selection criteria:

    • Only HUs that have not yet been inventoried

    • You decide whether previously inventoried HUs should be selected duringthe selection.
      • Number of HUs per inventory document

      • You can specify that hadnling units planned for creation of inventorydocuments are distributed to several inventory documents. Here, youhave a choice between
        A maximum number of HUs per inventory document - The system creates asmany inventory documents as are required to inventory all HUs. Eachinventoy document contains only a certain number of handling units.
        A fixed number of inventory documents - The selected handling units aredistributed equally to the given number of inventory documents.
        • Inventory Description - A text that is copied to
        • the inventory document to be created.
          You can give a specific description to a group of several inventorydocuments. This is not the number of the inventory document, but rathera text field that can be used at a later point for purposes ofselection.

          List Display
          Choose the display you require for the selected handling units. Here,you have the same choices that are available to you in the HU monitor.

          The selected handling units are issued using an ALV list that is thesame as the display in the HU monitor. On the selection screen you canchoose how the handling units are displayed.