Programme SAP RHU_INV_COUNTING - Enter Count Results for HU Inventory Docs.

You can use the entry of count results from HU inventory documents tostore in the system the actual quantities counted during the inventoryfor the relevant inventory documents. When you enter the count results,you must enter for each handling unit whether the handling unitactually exists. Enter the quantity of material found for the materialitems contained within the handling unit. If the material isserialized, then you need to enter the counted serial numbers. Thesystem prevents you entering any serial numbers that are not containedwithin the handling unit. You can only make changes to serial numberdata using the standard dialogs (To do this, you first need to deletethe handling unit from the inventory. See also:Processing an inventory document).

You must have entered an inventory document using the functionCreating a handling unit inventory

You can limit the selection of inventory documents using the followingcriteria:

  • Inventory Document Number

  • Physical Inventory
  • Activities
    You have the following display options during the inventory documentcount:
    RESET N1
    Display all inventory document items from the highest handling units
    Display all inventory document items that have not been canceled
    Display all inventory document items for a handling unit
    You can switch between the first two overviews using the pushbutton'All Items' or 'Display Highest Level'. To access the overview for aspecific handling unit, select the highest handling unit and choose theloop. Choose F3 on the detail screen to go back to the overview screen.
    The specific overviews offer you the following additional functions:

    • Pass on count to items

    • In the overview of the highest handling unit, you can select thefunction 'Pass On Count to Items'. In this case, the count result forthe highest handling unit is passed on to all selected handling unitsand their items. If you have reported a highest handling unit as beingexistent, then all subordinate handling units also receive thisindicator, and the counted quantity for the material items is set tothe same as the quantity found in the handling unit. This function wasintroduced for handling units where you cannot perform a physical countnor a change, because these are, for example, vacuum packed. If thehandling unit was reported as being non-existent, then this correspondsto a zero count at material level.
      • Check entries.

      • This function incorporates a consistency check. The system checks thatfor quantity entry at material level, the handling unit containing thematerial also exists, since there must not be any unpackaged stock. Thesystem also checks whether all inventory document items were counted,or whether, for example, a handling unit was reported as existent andyet no entries were made for the material item.
        • Enter serial numbers

        • In the overviews 'All Items' and 'Handling Unit Detail' you can selectthe function 'Enter Serial Numbers'. For serialized materials, thequantity field for count quantity entry is not available for input. Youtherefore need to enter the counted serial numbers by selecting theitem, and choosing the pushbutton 'Enter Serial Numbers'.

          Inventory document items are issued using the ALV Grid Control Display.
          The inventory count can also take place using the function module'HUINV_DOCUMENT_COUNTING'. You can use this function module to programyour own count dialog, or you can use it as an interface to anothersystem.