Programme SAP RHU_INV_ANALYSIS - Analysis of Phys. Inv. Docs

For the counted inventory document items, you can evaluate the size ofthe count difference each time, and/or whether the count differenceexceeds a certain value. To do this you need to either enter adifference quantity, from which the item should be listed, or adifference value. If there is an inventory item that exceeds this limit,the system displays the whole of the handling unit.
Both selection criteria are mutually exclusive, in other words, youcannot perform evaluations using both criteria at the same time.

You must have created an inventory using the functionCreate Handling Unit Inventory, and countedthe inventory items using the function EnterCount Results for HU Inventory Docs.

You can limit the selection of the inventory document using thefollowing criteria:

  • Inventory Document Number

  • Physical Inventory

  • Creation Date, Creator

  • Material

  • Plant

  • Storage Location

  • You can also select the following analysis criteria to restrict thedisplay:
    • Quantity-based variance in percent

    • Exceeded Value and Value
    • Activities
      You have the following display options when you analyze physicalinventory documents:
      RESET N1
      Display inventory document items of all the highest handling units
      Display all inventory document items that have not been canceled
      Display all inventory document items for a handling unit
      You can switch between the first two overviews using the pushbutton 'AllItems' or 'Display Highest Level'. To go back to the display of a singlehandling unit, select a highest handling unit and choose the loop.Choose F3 on the detail screen to go back to the overview screen. On theoverview screen, you can also flag handling units for recount. To dothis, simply select the highest handling unit, and choose the pushbutton'HU for Recount'. When you save the inventory document, you can recountthis handling unit using the function EnterCount Results for HU Inventory Docs.

      The selected handling units are output using the ALV Grid Controldisplay.