Programme SAP RHUSERRELATIONS - Display User Assignments

This report enables you to evaluate all the HR authorization profilesthat exist for a user.
This includes the structural authorization profiles as well as theHR-Basis authorization profiles that are assigned directly (over rolemaintenance) or indirectly over (Organizational Management) to theuser.

In this report you can access several functions that allow selectiveevaluation of the authorization profiles.
You can display the following information:

  • The entire list of main authorization switches with the set values (on
  • the selection screen using the function bar)
    • All persons assigned to the user over the Communication infotype
    • (0105) (on the selection screen using the function bar)
      • The organizational units to which the user is related

      • The structural authorization profiles

      • The user's role assignments and standard profiles

      • Authorizations based on HR authorization objects (from Personnel
      • Administration/Personnel Planning - here you can make a multipleselection)
        In addition you have the option of running the report directly or inthe background.

        On the selection screen you can use radio buttons to choose betweenfour different options (no multiple selection possible):

        Related Organizational Units
        If you select this radio button and choose Execute, the reportevaluates all relationships between the user and organizational units.It determines:

        • The organizational units to which the user belongs (over evaluation
        • path ORGASS)
          • The organizational units for which the user is a manager (over
          • evaluation path MANASS)

            Structural Profiles
            If you select this radio button and choose Execute, the reportevaluates the structural profile maintenance tables:

            • Table T77PR, in which you maintain structural profiles

            • Table T77UA, in which you assign users to structural profiles

            • In the output list you can choose between a Profile View and aUser View:
              • In the profile view the system displays all the objects that
              • belong to the structural profile that you select in the output list
                • In the user view the system displays the objects for which the
                • user has authorization
                  If a function module is used in a structural profile, the system alsodisplays all root objects that the function module determines.

                  Roles and Standard Profiles
                  If you select this radio button and choose Execute, the reportevaluates the following:

                  • All roles that were assigned to the user directly over transaction PFCG
                  • (Role Maintenance)
                    • All standard profiles that the user has automatically as a result of
                    • his or her relationships to an organizational unit or position
                      The system evaluates the instances of relationship 007, "describes", tothe object type "role" and the Standard Profiles infotype (1016)for the related organizational unit or position.

                      Display HR Authorizations
                      If you select this radio button and choose Execute, you mustalso select at least one HR-Basis authorization in the following listso that the system displays the corresponding authorizations for theuser (here, multiple selection is possible):

                      • P_ORGIN (HR: Master Data)

                      • P_ORGXX (HR: Master Data - Extended Check)

                      • P_ORGINCON (HR: Master Data with Context)

                      • P_ORGXXCON (HR: Master Data - Extended Check with
                      • Context)
                        • P_PERNR (HR: Master Data - Personnel Number Check)

                        • P_ABAP (HR: Reporting)

                        • PLOG (Personnel Planning)
                        • Output
                          According to the option you choose, the system outputs a tablecontaining the corresponding authorization profile data.

                          Enter a user name.
                          By selecting a radio button, specify one of the four evaluationoptions: Related Organizational Units, Structural Profiles
                          , Roles and Standard Profiles, or Display HRAuthorizations.
                          If you want to display HR-Basis authorizations, also select one or moreauthorization objects.
                          Choose Execute.

902000Analyzing HR authorizations