Programme SAP RHUMST30 - PLOG Conversion -> Transparent Infotypes

This report converts PD infotypes from the PLOG table to the infotypetable assigned in table T777D.
During the upgrade to Release 3.0A, the report runs as XPRA. Allrecords in every client are converted per infotype. The conversion islogged in table T77ZZ per infotype and per client. You can only convertadditional data later (for example, individual plan versions with theparameter "Plan versions") if the parameter 'Subsequent conversion' isset. In this case, no validation is carried out with table T77ZZ as towhether the infotype has already been converted. It is the user'sresponsibility to ensure that infotype records have not already beenconverted. Duplicate key entries (DUPREC) can lead to reporttermination.

In table T777D, each infotype that is to be converted must be assignedto a database table. This is predefined by SAP for all standardinfotypes. Any infotypes that have not been assigned to a databasetable (for example, customer-specific infotypes) remain in the PLOGtable until a transparent database table has been created for them andthe relevant assignment made in table T777D. This is carried out usingtransaction PPCI - the infotype copier function. After execution ofthis transaction, you can start the report RHUMST30 for these infotypesto convert the data records.

The report creates a conversion log, where you can check whether aninfotype was successfully converted or not.