Programme SAP RHUFEDU0PBSCPDF - Organizational Component Translations Report

The report is used to generate Organizational Component Translactionfiles with the format defined by the guide of CPDF reporting for oneagency or multiple agencies. It is assumed that all agencies arecreated in the system as topmost organization units.

There are several setup steps needed to be finished before the reportcan be run:
1. The organizational component should be put in field P1000-STEXT foreach org unit and the organizational title should be put into thedescription field for subtype "Federal Description" of infotype 1002.
2. The input help for the two parameters on the selection screen shouldbe set in the "Supplimentary documentation" of fieldRHLRIFU0PBS-XFIELD01 and RLGRAP-FILENAME. After that, two entriesshould be added to table THLPF to use the new documentation for thefields on the report.