Programme SAP RHSEMI60_LSO - Course Information

Detailed Course Information

This report lets you display detailed information stored for coursedates such as course location, instructor, room, telephone number ofroom, course owner, availability of places on the course, or durationof the course.
In addition to providing you with speedy access to a wide range ofimportant information about a course, the report can also be used tohelp you determine what courses still need to be firmly booked orfollowed up, or what courses are currently locked and so on.




You can select parameters to restrict the data output by the report. Inaddition to specifying the courses you want displayed and the selectionperiod, you can specify multiple other attributes under Output.Note: The option All which is available for all parameters isselected by default so that you can run the report without making anyspecific selection yourself if required. The following options areavailable for course dates:

  • Only firmly booked / Only planned

  • No historical record / Only hist. record

  • Not canceled / only canceled

  • Not locked / only locked

  • Only available / only reserved

  • Only internal / only external

  • Not followed up / only followed up
  • Output
    The report's list screen can contain any of the followinginformation:

    • Course name

    • Course start and end dates

    • Course language

    • Course location

    • Building

    • Room data (e.g. room number, telephone number)

    • Booking information (e.g. available places, number of waiting list
    • bookings etc.)
      • Course duration

      • Instructors

      • You select the data you want displayed under Settings -> Changelayout:
        When you choose this function, a dialog box appears with the hiddencolumns in the right table, and the columns that are displayed on thelist screen in the left table.
        By selecting columns and moving the arrows, you can determine whatcolumns are displayed. To transfer the changed layout, chooseTransfer.
        To save the layout, choose Save layout. You can call this layoutas required by choosing Choose layout .
        You can find more information about display options on the list screenunder Help in the SAP Library by choosing Getting Started-> The SAP Window -> List -> ABAP List Viewer (ALV):Grid Control.

        Select the course dates you want displayed by specifying one or morecourse groups, types or dates.
        Specify a selection period.
        Under Output select one or more parameters.
        Choose Execute.
        If required, change the layout to display other data that interestsyou.