Programme SAP RHSBES10 - Staff assignments

Report RHSBES10 generates staffing assignments.
The evaluation is carried out along the organizational structureaccording to selection criteria you enter. The list includes allselected positions and persons in one or more organizational units witha staffing percentage and approved/employment hours as well asstatistics on hours worked, the number of positions and free capacityper organizational unit.
The system orders the positions according to the priority that youdefined in the Organizational Unit Maintenance view, in theRelationships infotype (IT001).
By double clicking on an organizational unit, you access detailedinformation.
From this detailed information, you can display additional informationon a person or position by double clicking on the relevant object.

List viewer parameter
You can choose between a standard list and the list viewer.

Display mode parameter
There are three ways of displaying working times.

Working time basis parameter
You can display working times in hours per day, per week, per month orper year.

Include reporting structure parameter
You can include the reporting structure when you display positions.

Only display holders parameter
You can either display just position holders or position holders andsubstitutes.

Include persons without positions parameter
You can also display persons who are not assigned to positions.

Start of Absence parameter
You can specify the date from which the absence is to be statisticallyevaluated.

Additional data on person parameter
You can specify how the additional data on persons is to be displayed.

Extended statistics parameter
You can display data on obsolete positions.