Programme SAP RHRFPM_ZWBI - Check Violation of Earmarking

You can determine whether theearmarking saved in thesystem were violated within budget execution with this report.
The system determines starting from the positions (S) orpersons (P) in the organizational structure or in a budget structure element (BU), the earmarking saved in the systemand checks that no other organizational units, positions or personsuse the budget of this budget structure element for financing.
If a violation of an earmarking saved in the system is found, this isoutput.

The determined earmarking violations are output in a table withinformation on the following fields:

  • Budget structure element

  • Object name

  • Position/Person

  • Object name

  • The object abbreviation and object types for output can also beselected.
    You can change the list display. For example, you can hide and displaycolumns, or change the column sequence. You can save the adjusteddisplay of the list as a display variant.