Programme SAP RHRFPM_WF_RECON - Recon. of Workflow Status Between PBC and Accounting

This program reconciles the status of the approval workflow in PositionBudgeting and Control with the processing status of the document inAccounting.
A typical scenario would be: a change has been made to thefinancing-relevant infotypes of the object. The financing requirementwas already determined and transferred to Accounting for financing.However, financing has not occurred for at least one of the financingrequirements because the changes to the commitment documents have notyet been approved by the responsible person.
Payroll can only be run productively for a person when their financingstatus shows the value financings in up-to-date status in thecorresponding payroll period. If the financing of the changedrequirement is rejected in Accounting, the changes to the infotypes thatcaused the change to the requirement line must be reversed. Theautomatic commitment creation cannot make any changes to the documentuntil this occurs. The affected object also gets the financing status 'X Flagged forRefinancing'.

The program performs the reconciliation for the documents selected.First of all, you can only display errors or run a test run. The programdoes not update the database changes for either. If you want an updateto take place, do not select the test run field.
The program generates a list of the reconciled documents. You can alsodisplay the funds (pre)commitments that belong to the documents.