Programme SAP RHRFPM_FTE_BULIST_FORM - Position Analysis as PDF Form

You can use this report to display or print the results of positionanalysis as a PDF form. The output of the data depends on the form used.The customer can define adapt the form to their needs.
In the standard system, the form HRPBC_BULIST isavailable for displaying a sample position plan.

On the selection screen of the report, you can select the object, theattributes for these objects, and a form. You can then define this formaccording to your requirements.

The standard form HRPBC_BULIST is provided.

The output is a pdf form in the preview mode on the screen or is printeddirectly.

The form HRPBC_BULIST with the interface HRPBC_BULIST isprovided as a sample. It can be copied and adjusted to yourrequirements. The report contains a summary logic that summarizes allfields not used in the context of the form. If there are hierarchy linksbetween the tables, the fields of the superior levels should beactivated in the context too. However, these fields do not have to bedisplayed in the form.