Programme SAP RHRFPM_FTE_BULIST - Position Analysis

Analysis of Data in a Budget Structure

Select a budget structure element (BS element) as the root for thestructure evaluation.
There are three key dates available:
- key date: Date on which the structure is evaluated.
- comparison key date: Date on which the comparison data (originalbudget and so on) is determined and displayed.
- financing key date: Date on which the financed parts are determined.
You can also restrict the evaluation to employee group and subgroup andexclude monetary budgets from the display if necessary. There is nopoint in doing this for financial year structures because the monetarybudget is only used for structuring the budget and does not have anyvalues of its own.
Then you can choose the formatting variant and a pre-defined layout. Ifno layout is chosen, all available data is displayed.

The data is displayed using the ABAP list viewer. It is possible toexclude data from the viewer and this data is then compressed.
BS element 1 evaluation A10, 1 full-time equivalent (FTE), BS element 2evaluation A10, 2 FTEs. If the BS elements are hidden, only A10, 3 FTEsis displayed.