Programme SAP RHRFPM_FIN_CHK - Check Financing Rules

Financing rules map the relationship between budget structureelements and position/person from the view of salary scale evaluation.You can use this program to check whether the financing rules, definedin the Customizing ofPosition Budgeting and Controlfor the financing of a budget structure, have been violated or not.

To be able to map financing rules that the system can check, theBusiness Add-In (BAdI) for the check on financing rules must have beenimplemented in theCustomizing of Position Budgeting and Control. Forinformation on this, seeBAdI: Check Financing Rules.
So that rule violations can be displayed according to category, IMGactivity Define Error Category must have beenexecuted in theCustomizing of Position Budgeting and Control.
If you have defined your own error categories that should be displayedin this program, you must have

  • defined your own columns and
  • assigned them to column groupPBC_CHK_OV_EXT
    • created a field with this column in
    • structure HRFPM_S_FIN_CHK_ALV_ERR_CATG

      You can use the options for list output if you have created a speciallayout for background processing for example.

      The program selects all staff assignments below the budget structureelement entered along the evaluation path BU-BU_D and executes thecheck on the financing rules for all financings found. The programonly evaluates objects with the data status active (01).
      The check results for the financings of a person/position are issued viaa budget structure element in accordance with itserror category in ahierarchical-sequential list. The number of financingsfor this budget structure element is displayed in a summarized versionin the structure.
      To make sure full-time equivalents are included in thecheck results, setuser parameter HRFPM_CHECK_PER_FTE.