Programme SAP RHQANF00 - Prerequisites Matchup

This report lets you carry out a qualifications matchup to compare theactual qualifications of an attendee with the qualifications requiredfor attendance of a business event.
By qualifications, we mean:

  • Previous attendance of events of a specific type.

  • Qualifications such as specific knowledge or skills in an area.

  • This report has a pre-report RHXQANF0 with a simplifiedselection screen.

    The report output depends on the objects selected for reporting,on the reporting period, and on the report parameters you set.

    Display only event types with prerequisites
    If you select this indicator, the report only considers event types forwhich prerequisite qualifications have been defined.

    The report's output lists the qualifications presupposed for attendanceof the event type specified.
    Missing qualifications or any whose validity has expired are indicatedusing a traffic light icon whereby:

    • Green

    • Indicates that the attendee has the full prerequisites.
      • Yellow

      • Indicates that the attendee has the required qualification but that itsvalidity has expired.
        or that the attendee has attended the required event type but thevalidity period of the qualification has expired.
        • Red

        • Indicates that the attendee does not have the prerequisitequalifications at all.