Programme SAP RHPP25U0 - Pers. Cost Planning: Changeover for European Monetary Union

This report supports the changeover of the derPersonnelCost Planning database tables T77KL'Personnel Cost Planning Wage Elements' and HRP1015 'Infotype 1015:Cost Planning' for the European Monetary Union.
You can use the Changeover currency parameter to determine whichcurrencies should be converted into euro. You can use theChangeover date parameter to determine when the new currencyshould be entered.
Use the Rounding divisor and Rounding type parameters todetermine how precisely the new amount should be rounded. In the 'Testrun' mode, you can use a numeric example to test the rounding methodthat you have chosen.
You can also use the Test run parameter to control whether youjust want to simulate the changeover or whether you want to write thechanges to the database. If you use a test run, all the records thatwere changed are listed in a log.
There are two types of data records for the changeover:
The validity of the data record is after the changeover date.
Only the amounts in the relevant currencies are converted and the newamount in the new currency is saved. These records are just changed.
The changeover date lies within the data record's validity period.
The old data record is delimited. A new data record is created for thepartial period that is after the changeover data and the amounts areconverted accordingly.
All other data records remain unchanged.
All the wage elements in table T77KL except for those that have the'Percentage' indicator and those whose amount is valuated using acurrency that corresponds to one specified by you, are affected by thechangeover.
The infotype 'Cost Planning' is converted in a similar way. All thedata records that have a directly valuated wage element that have acurrency that has been specified by you will be converted.

Execute the conversion in the productive system, but not when thesystem is running.


Due to the fact that you can use your own currency for creating planscenarios, Personnel Cost Planning will still function even if you donot run this report. However, we recommend that you convert theaforementioned datasets.
First, run the report in the test mode so that you know which datarecords will be affected.
Exchange rate type 'M' is used to convert the amounts.
The changeover date is used for the day of exchange.
You must convert each client separately. However, within a client, allplan version are converted in one run.