Programme SAP RHPMZWBI - Earmarking Infringements

You can use this report to determine whether any earmarkings stored inthe system have been violated as a result of budgets being executed.
The system takes the positions (S) in the organizational structure, ora budget structure element (BU), and determines the earmarkings thatare defined in the system, at the same time checking that no otherorganizational units or positions use the budget of this budgetstructure element for financing purposes.
If the system detects that an earmarking stored in the system has beenviolated, it outputs this earmarking.

Any earmarking violations are output in a table, and information on thefollowing fields is output:

  • Budget structure element

  • Object name

  • Position

  • Object name

  • You can also specify that the object abbreviations and object typesshould be output.
    It is possible to change the format of the list. For example, columnscan be hidden or displayed, or the sequence of columns can be changed.The adjusted format of the list can be saved as a display variant.