Programme SAP RHPMTODO_PROT10 - Display work list log (broken down by responsibility)

Display Worklist for Checking Financing Details (Broken Down by BudgetResponsibility)

This program outputs a list of over-financed and under-financed personsand positions under the jurisdiction of a specific person.
You can edit the financing details directly from the worklist. You canalso send an e-mail to the person responsible to inform him or her ofthe situation.

The worklist only contains data if the Financing Overviewprogram is run first, and the Update log flag was activated.
You will find the Financing Overview program by choosing HRFunds and Position Management -> Tools -> Financing Overview.


  • Display a list containing financing details of all persons or positions
  • that are over-financed or under-financed.
    • You can edit the financing details displayed directly from the list.

    • You can also inform the person responsible for the budget by sending
    • them an e-mail directly from the list.

      You can start the program for a selection period, a specificperson responsible, and specific processing statuses.

      The program outputs a list containing the financing details of allpersons and positions that are over-financed or under-financed, andthat fall under the jurisdiction of the person specified.