Programme SAP RHPMSTUE_EXT - Enhanced Budget in FTEs

This report determines - for a selected budget structure element - thesum of all the FTEs of the FTE budgets subordinate to the budgetstructure element in question within the financial year selected. Inaddition, the sum of FTEs that are subordinate to the budget structureelements is reported.

You must have selected a plan version, one or more budget structureelements and a financial year. In addition, you can enter a restrictionfor the budgeting rule and reclassification rule to be included and ahierarchy level of budget to map the subtotal.

If the system finds objects that fulfill the selection criteria, atable is issued with the number of FTEs for each tariff grouping andcareer group, as well as for each budget structure element of theselected hierarchy level. The number of FTEs that were subordinated asrules in Funds Management, irrespective of possible activation withevent- controlled rules, are also displayed. The last line contains thetotal of all FTEs.
It is possible to change the format of the list. For example, filtercriteria can be defined, columns can be hidden or displayed and thecolumn sequence can also be changed. If only an entry object isselected, the subtotals for the different columns can also be mapped.The adjusted format of the list can be saved as a display variant.