Programme SAP RHPMSTUE - Budget in FTE

This report determines - for a selected budget structure element - thesum of all FTEs of the FTE budgets subordinate to the budget structureelement in question within the financial year selected.

You must have selected a plan version, one or more budget structureelements and a financial year.

If the system finds objects that fulfill the selection criteria, atable with columns entitled Pay scale type, Pay scale area
, Pay scale group and Number of Full-Time Equivalents
is displayed. The total appears in the last line.
It is also possible to change the format of the list. For example, youcan define filter criteria, such as whether columns should be hidden ordisplayed and whether the column sequence should be changed. If onlyone initial object was chosen, the subtotal of different columns can beformed. The adjusted format of the list can be saved as a hierarchyvariant.

|Pay scale type |Pay scale area|Pay scl. grp| Number |
|Chemicals/Paper/Pottery |Baden-Wuerttemberg |A12 | 4.500 |
|Metals sector |Baden-Wuerttemberg |A01 | 3.000 |
|Total 7.500 |