Programme SAP RHPMPROT00 - Display Carryforward Log

Display carryforward log for budget memos

This program displays a list of messages that occurred during thecarryforward of budget memos into the following financial year.
All messages for all persons responsible for budget are displayed inthis list.
Messages can be processed directly from the list. In addition, you havethe possibility of informing the persons responsible for the budget bymail.

Errors occurred during the carryforward of budget memos into thefollowing financial year.


  • Display of all messages that occurred during the carryforward of budget
  • memos into the following financial year in a list
    • The messages that occurred during the carryforward of budget memos can
    • be processed directly from the list.
      • The person responsible for the budget can be informed directly from the
      • list via mail regarding the messages that occurred.

        The program can be run for a Selection period dependent ondifferent Processing statuses.

        A list is issued for all persons responsible for budget containing allmessages that occurred.