Programme SAP RHPMMASSFIN - Collective Processing Financing Details

Collective Processing for Financing

You can use this program to create funds commitment or fundsprecommitments for a selected number of employees or positions andthereby reserve amounts of money as commitments. The provided funds arestored in Human Resources as financing.

The program automates the financing of positions and people; direct andindirect financing is created and can be adjusted. You can select thecombination of fund, funds center and commitment item that are used forfinancing, by using the evaluation in the Customizing of HR Funds andPosition Management and Funds Management. Fund and funds center forfinancing are assigned from cost centers, internal orders or WBSelements. The commitment item is determined taking into accountemployee groupings from the expenditure type to be financed.
You are not allowed to exceed the determined Funds Management accountassignments with this program. Note that the functions of thecollective processing are influenced by the Customizing settings for"Enhanced Functions of Collective Processing for Financing" (tableT77S0; entry for HRFPM, MFXXL). For this, you can choose whether thecollective processing takes effect only for underfinancing of positionsor people, or whether new financing should occur for reduced requiredfunds or changed default Customizing of Funds Management accountassignments.
Alternatively, you can finance positions and people from the budgetallocation view of the budget, or the organization or the employee withthis program.

Financing with collective processing can only be used if you are usingHR Funds and Position Management integrated with Funds Management.


The positions and/or persons to be financed are determined by theentries you make when accessing an organizational structure. From theorganizational unit entered, the underlying organizational units,positions, and holders of these positions are found.
Alternatively, you can get access via the selected positions oremployees. The selected persons can be restricted by employeecharacteristic entries (company code, personnel area, personnelsubarea, employee group/subgroup).
The financing period is restricted by this. You can choose whether therequired funds of all expenditure types or only a certain expendituretype should be checked in this period.
You can also choose whether to create the funds precommitments forpositions, fund commitments for persons (direct financing) or acombination of both (indirect financing).

A log is created if errors occur. Possible errors are: object isblocked by another user, no expenditure types could be determined forthe object or no default account assignment could be found.
The log can be processed later and from there you can go to straight tothe financing of the position or person. It is also possible to sendparts of the log to the responsible clerks.

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