Programme SAP RHPMGVPL - Business Distribution Plan

This program processes the hierarchy for an organizational unit, anddetermines all positions assigned to this organizational unit.
Each position appears in a standard block, and the followinginformation is displayed:

  • The higher-level organizational unit

  • The position itself

  • Its substitute (also a position)

  • The holder(s) of the position

  • Budget structure elements whose budgets finance the position

  • The tasks assigned to the position (or corresponding job)

  • After this, the actual names of the positions are displayed (if youselected this option).
    Note! A position can have more than one holder, substitute or budgetstructure element. Note also that the program is run for a specific keydate - data records that are defined for a period will only be selectedif they are valid on the key date in question.
    Information on budget structure elements (e.g. budget structure elementtype, position/reclassification rules) are only displayed if thepositions or people executed, were financed.
    Financing specifications appear for budget structure elements or memosin the form of currency fractions or quantity units.
    Salary specifications in the form of salary group, type or area aredisplayed as positions, persons, budget structure elements withfull-time equivalent budget and reclassification rules.
    Fixed salary part-time is issued in weekly hours with the positions andpeople who fill the positions. For people, the staffing percentage ofthe position and the operating rate of the person are taken intoconsideration.