Programme SAP RHPMFART - Finanzierungsarten

Evaluation of financing types on key date.
This report compares persons/positions with budgets.
If you access this report via an organizational unit, the reportevaluates all persons (P) and/or positions (S) in the organizationalstructure. If you access this report via a budget, the report evaluatesall S/P that are financed in the budget hierarchy.
Positions are only evaluated if they do not finance persons. (Normally,only an evaluation of BU <-> P is of relevance for the scenario "budgetfinances position finances person".)
An object (person or position) can be financed by several budgets. Inthis case, the object is compared with all the budgets in question. Aselection criterion is regarded as being fulfilled if it is fulfilledby at least one of the budgets.
A person is financed by 2 budgets. You specify the criteriaDifferent/Same for the following data:
Object I Employee subgroup I Employee group I A I W
Person I Active I Civil servant I X I X
Budget1 I Early retirement I Pensioner I I X
Budget2 I Active I Civil servant I X I
The financing for Budget1 is 'different' (W), whereas the financing forBudget2 is the 'same'. Consequently, the person is financed in bothways, and you can see which budget triggers which financing type.
If you had specified only the selection criterion 'Same', Budget1 wouldnot have been selected, nor would the person have been regarded asbeing financed 'differently'.
If no pay scale details have been defined for a budget, the systemcannot provide any information for the criteria 'Adequate/Inadequate'or 'Higher/Lower classification'.


The report generates a list of persons/positions that fulfill at leastone of the selection criteria, and displays this data in tabular form.Persons appear first, and then positions (sorted by name).
The following information is output for an object:

  • Object details

  • Pay scale details

  • Employee group/subgroup (possibly inherited from a 'higher' budget)

  • Selection criteria, X = criterion fulfilled.

  • &ABAP_HINT&: Definition of Financing Types
    Single / Multiple
    Same / Different
    Adequate / Inadequate
    Lower class. / Higher class.
    By clicking on the 'hotspot', you can branch to the organizationalassignment of a person/position, or to the location of the budget inthe overall budget hierarchy.