Programme SAP RHPMEXT40 - Carrying Forward of Financing for FM Account Assignments

This program can be used to carry forward financing for selected FundsManagement account assignments. You can choose the Funds Managementaccount assignments by entering FM area, fund, funds center andcommitment item on the initial screen. Note that the budgetcarryforward can only be carried out for entire budget structures. Thismeans that on the initial screen you can only choose commitment itemsthat belong to the top-node of budget element structures.

The program can only be used if HR Funds and Position Management isused integrated with Funds Management. It can be used as an alternativeto carrying forward budget structures in transaction PMBF (carryforward budget) if the selection of budget structure elements is givenpreference over access to the concepts of Funds Management.
As financing can only be created in certain budget statuses, thefinancing carryforward can only occur for budget structure elements inbudget status released ('3') or being revised ('7').