Programme SAP RHPMCBEX_NEW - Check of Financing Before Payroll

This program checks the financing of people before payroll is carriedout. You should start the program, especially if the required funds forfinancing are determined by a simulation of the payroll results.
This executable program carries out the following period-based checks:

  • Assigns an employee to a fund and funds center in the "organizational
  • assignment" infotype (0001).
    In each time interval in which the employee takes part in theintegration of the HR Funds and Position Management with FundsManagement, neither fund or funds center can be entered in the"organizational assignment" (0001)infotype. In each time interval, inwhich the employee does not take part in the integration between HRFunds and Position Management and Funds Management, but the integrationof Funds Management with HR is active (T001-FMHRDATE set), the programchecks whether at least the funds center in the "Organizationalassignment" (0001) infotype is maintained.
    • Assigning an employee to fund and funds center in infotype "cost
    • distribution" (0027)
      In each time interval, which the employee takes part in the integration,neither the fund or the funds center is allowed as an entry in infotype"cost distribution" (0027). In each time interval which the employeedoes not take part in the integration, but the integration of FundsManagement to HR is active (T001-FMHRDATE set), the system checkswhether at least the funds center in "cost distribution " (0027)infotype is maintained.
      Note that for non-existent cost distribution of the employee, theprogram checks the positions and organizational units above the costdistribution.
      • Matching the FM areas

      • In each time interval, in which the employee takes part in theintegration, all the following must match:
        FM area, which is determined from the company code of the organizationalassignment (infotype 0001)
        the FM areas that are determined from the company codes of the costdistribution (infotype 0027) and
        the FM areas of Funds Management account assignments that were used forfinancing.
        • Basic pay financing

        • The program checks whether the basic salary of the employee is financedand whether required funds and financing exist only for one expendituretype that is flagged as basic salary for each period.
          • There are more checks when you activate the enhanced function to check
          • the financing distribution (table T77S0; entry HRFPM, FUND)
            If you have activated the check of the financing distribution, thefinancing of the selected employee continues to be check in thisprogram. For this the required funds are compared with the existingfinancing for each expenditure type. The tolerances defined for eachexpenditure type are included in this comparison. If the tolerancedefined is exceeded, you will receive a corresponding error message inthe log.

            The integration with application component Funds Management mustbe active.

            This program generates a list of all employees for whom errors haveoccurred in the above-mentioned checks. From this list, you can go tothe employment card or master data maintenance of therespective employee, where you can supplement or correct incorrect data.