Programme SAP RHPMBUFI - Financing from budgets of budget structure elements

For budget structure elements, positions/persons financed by theirbudget are displayed with amount/number full-time equivalents. It alsodisplays position holders financed indirectly by the budget structureelement.
FTEs are converted into monetary amounts. Pay scale details aredisplayed for budget structure elements with FTE budgets.
The report selects all budget structure elements derived from aspecific access object or objects.

After choosing one or more budget structure elements and a budget year,the financing of positions and people is issued for all subordinatebudget structure elements.
It is possible to change the list representation. For example, columnscan be hidden or displayed or the column sequence can be changed. Forfinancings from currency budgets, the total for the selected budgetstructure can be displayed. The adjusted representation of the list canbe saved as a display variant.