Programme SAP RHPMBUDGET01 - Determining the Personnel Budget and Transfer to Funds Management

Determining the Personnel Budget and Transferring to Funds Management

You can use the RHPMBUDGET01 program to determine the requiredpersonnel budget for an organizational structure or a position. To dothis, the system calculates the budgetary requirement for each positionand person. The allocated Funds Management account assignment is thendetermined using the method as is used by the financing wizard fordetermining financings. The values determined are totalled for eachFunds Management account assignment and displayed.
The personnel requirement is calculated according to the Customizingsettings for automatic financing. A payroll simulation is triggered forthose persons included in a payroll simulation but for whom no valuesare available.
If the requirements cannot be calculated, no budget is reserved for theperson.

The personnel budget determined can be transferred to Funds Management.
When you want to do this, note that only the difference between therequired personnel budget and the existing current budget for the givenaccount assignment is transferred to Funds Management. If the currentbudget exceeds the amount required for personnel, the budget is notreduced.

The Funds Management system must be an IS-PS system (release 4.62 orabove) in which the global functions for the German Government (localauthorities flags) are not activated.


You can run this program for an organizational structure or individualpositions.
By setting the Display values calculated indicator, you candisplay a log of the required personnel budget before transferring thevalues to Funds Management.

To use these functions, you must make the settings forAutomated Financing in the Customizing ofFunds and Position Management.
You must also have defined the Customizing of budget types and thebudget subtype for automated postings for the personnel budget in theCustomizing of Funds Management.

When generating your first budget, you can copy existing plannedpersonnel costs from the organizational structure to Funds Management.
During the financial year, you can createSupplements to make thechanges (increases) in Funds Management that are required because ofchanges to the organizational structure.