Programme SAP RHPMBART - Staffing types

Report that compares positions with the persons that hold them on aspecific date (key date).
You always access this report via an organizational unit.
The positions (S) that are found are analyzed, and their holders (P)displayed. A position can have more than one holder.
The following pairs of staffing criteria are evaluated:
Single / Multiple
Same / Different
Adequate / Inadequate
Lower class. / Higher class.
Limited / Unlimited
If you do not select either of the criteria in a pair, this criteriawill not be included in the evaluation.
If the report does not find any data for a particular criterion youhave selected, then a message to this effect is issued.
Any additional information stored in the system on persons andpositions (pay scale details, employee group/subgroup, number of hoursper week, working time, and so on) is also displayed.

Position 1 has two holders (A and B). You want to evaluate thecriterion Limited / Unlimited:
Object,, Staffing: limited / unlimited
Position 1,, Staffing: partly...partly..
Person A,, Staffing: limited
Person B,, Staffing: unlimited
Person A is only to hold position 1 for a limited period of time, andperson B for an unlimited period of time.
For this reason, the staffing of the position is 'partly' limited, and'partly' unlimited. This is apparent in the results of the report.
It might be the case that no object is found for either of the twocriteria in the pair (for example, the person does not staff theposition either single-handedly nor does he or she share it with anyoneelse). In this case, the report tells you than neither of the criteriawas fulfilled.

Tabular output of positions and persons in several tables. The resultsare displayed for each criterion in each table.
The following information is output:

  • Object information

  • Pay scale details

  • Employee group/subgroup

  • Values for the criteria