Programme SAP RHPE_SPLAN_FOR_O - Succession overview

This report displays an overview of the succession situation of all ofthe positions in an organizational unit. It finds the successioncandidates for each position. You can select individual planningcriteria of the succession planning function.

In the dialog box Search Function for Organizational Unit,select an organizational unit and choose Continue.
The Planning Criteria dialog box appears.
Select the criteria you want and choose Transfer.
The succession overview screen appears. The positions are listed withthe number of succession candidates for each of the criteria youselected.
The following functions are available from the list screen:
Profile of a,,Position the cursor
position,,on an entry of your
,,choice and choose
Succession planning,,Position the cursor
for a position,,on an entry of your
,,choice and choose
,,Goto->Successing planning.
Hitlist for,,Position the cursor,,,,,,,,From the hitlist
a position,,on an entry of your,,,,,,,,you can call the
(complete or ,,choice in the,,,,,,,,profile
individual,,required column and,,,,,,,,or career
planning criteria),,choose,,,,,,,,planning for each of
,,Edit->Choose.,,,,,,,,the succession
Suitability,,Choose List->,,,,,,,,The
of candidates,,Suitability analysis.,,,,,,,,succession overview
,,To switch between the,,,,,,,,always displays
,,suitability symbol and,,,,,,the suitability of
,,percentage, choose,,,,,,,,the best succession