Programme SAP RHPE_EXPIRED_QUALI - Expired qualifications

This report generates and displays a list of all of the planningobjects in an organizational unit whose qualifications expired in theselection period. The list displays data on the planningobjects,expired or expiring qualifications, their validity periods, andpossible training proposals to renew the qualifications. You candirectly access the profile and career display for each of the planningobjects.
Only qualifications for which a validity has been defined in thequalifications catalog are displayed.

Choose Reporting->Others.
Position the cursor on the entry Expired qualifications .
Choose Execute.
The Expired qualifications screen appears.
In the Organizational unit field, enter an organizational unit.
If necessary, change the selection period proposed.
If you want to have training proposals displayed as well, select theindicator Training proposals.
Choose Program->Execute.
The Expired qualifications screen appears. The system displaysall of the planning objects in the organizational unit whosequalifications have expired.
The following functions are available from the list:
Call the planning object profile
Carry out career planning for planning objects
Display training proposals

491055Report RHXPE_EXPIRED_QUALI does not generate any spool list