Programme SAP RHPEUMSE - Release 4.0 Conversion: Optional and Essential Requirements

You can use this function to evaluate all requirements profiles in allplan versions, and to convert the optional and essential requirements.
You cannot use priorities here in Release 4.0. The only distiction madeis between optional requirements and essential requirements.
On the basis of the value of the PRVAL parameter and thepriority of the requirements, this function flags a requirement asoptional or essential. The actual conversion occurs when you save thedata.

The value for the parameter PRVAL is read from table T77S0, anddisplayed.
If you want to convert all requirements (regardless of their priority)into optional requirements, set the value of the PRVAL parameterin table T77S0 as -1.
Choose Program -> Execute.
The Conversion (Release 4.0): Optional and EssentialRequirements dialog box appears.
The system will inform you which requirements from which requirementsprofiles are being converted to optional, and which to essentialrequirements.
Choose Save.
All optional and essential requirements in all plan versions have beenconverted.