Programme SAP RHPEUMDP - Convert Development Plan Items (Relationship 049)

Conversion of items of the type 'business event type' in individualdevelopment plans. The purpose of the report is to render the timeperiod data and states of individual development plan items and ofbookings in Training and Event Management (TEM) consistent with oneanother.


You have run the conversion report RHPDPAD77UMSE before starting thisreport to fill table HRPAD77 with data.
You have implemented note 579985.
You can then run the report as often as necessary.
The conversion is always performed in the current client.

An item in the individual development plan of a person is converted if:
The state matches the original state of the state key EVENT-BOOK and abooking is found in TEM that overlaps the time period of the item. Inthis case, the state is converted to the target state of EVENT-BOOK andthe time period is converted to the time period of the business event.
The state matches the original state of the state key EVENT-STOR and nobooking is found in TEM nor no 034 relationship (was attended) in thetime period in question. In this case, the state is converted to thetarget state of EVENT-STOR and the time period is converted as follows:the start date = current date and the end date = latest system date(31.12.9999). However, if there is already a development plan item withthe same business event type for a later date, the end date is set tothe start date of the next item minus 2 days. In this case, if the enddate determined by the system lies in the past, the start date isconverted to the same as the end date in order to ensure that the datarecord is retained.
The state matches the original state of the state key EVENT-BOOK and thereport finds a followed-up event attended by the person, and the timeperiods overlap. The state is converted to the target state of EVENT-FINand the time period is converted to the business event time period.
The report does not consider bookings in TEM that lie completely outsidethe time period of the item in the individual development plan.
The report does not adjust followed-up events if the item already hasstatus 'active' because integration functioned correctly before thecorrection in this case.
The report does not check development plan items with the status'completed'. The message output for such items is: State not equal tooriginal/target EVENT_BOOK.

You can run the report for each plan version.
You should not run the report for the transport plan version '.:'.



Explanation of the comments in the log:
Inconsistency found and corrected (EVENT_BOOK)
Inconsistency found and corrected (EVENT_STOR)
Inconsistency found and corrected (EVENT_FIN)
The prerequisites for conversion are satisfied (see the section 'Scopeof Functions').
The conversion was performed.
Inconsistency found (EVENT_BOOK) - No update
Inconsistency found (EVENT_STOR) - No update
Inconsistency found (EVENT_FIN) - No update
The prerequisites for conversion are satisfied (see the section 'Scopeof Functions').
No conversion is performed for one of the following reasons:
The test run indicator was set on the report selection screen.
The corresponding state key is not active.
No target state is maintained for the corresponding state key.
Records are consistent - no change required
Check and if necessary adjust manually
The state matches the target state of the state key EVENT-BOOK and abooking is found in TEM whose time period overlaps but is not identicalto the time period of the item. This could happen, for instance if thebusiness event date was changed.
Check: follow-up processing completed
If the state of the development plan item matches the target state ofEVENT-BOOK and a 034 relationship or booking is found for a followed-upevent in the same time period, this message is output in the log so thatyou can check it.
State not equal to original / target EVENT_BOOK
The state of the development plan item does not match either theoriginal state or the target state of EVENT-BOOK. The report does notprocess these records. They are included in the log so that you cancheck them. These could be, for example, development plan items with thetarget state EVENT-FIN.
Error occurred during update
Error reading attendance at business events - Processing was terminated

