Programme SAP RHPDPAD77UMSE - Convert Additional Data on Infotype 1001 from HRPADNN -> HRPAD77

Converting Additional Data in Infotype 1001 from HRPADNN -> HRPAD77

If you have not run this report, the additional data for relationships049 and 077 will be stored in table HRPADNN. This will mean that theadditional data for these relationships cannot be evaluated by the SAPQuery.
This report inserts the following entry in table T77AD:
pasub = 'PAD77', dbtab = 'HRPAD77', idocs = 'E1PAD77'
It also converts and transfers any additional data for the aboverelationships from table HRPADNN to table HRPAD77. The data that istransferred is then deleted from HRPADNN.
You should run this report even if a message was issued in the testrun, stating that no data exists! In this case, only the entry toT77AD is added.
You only need to run this report once. If you have already run it, amessage to this effect will be issued.


677188Data for development plans is missing after upgrade