Programme SAP RHORES00 - Resources Not Yet Assigned per Business Event/Resource Type

This report offers two reporting views of resources still required bybusiness events, in other words, resources not yet allocated to events.
If you start the report with the object types business event group,business event type, or business event, it creates a list ofresource types still required per business event (of the type orgroup specified), in other words, any resources that were flagged asrequired by the business event type in the relationshiprequires resource type.
If you start the report with the object type 'resource type', itcreates a list of business events that still require theresource type specified.
This report has two pre-reports with simplified selection screens.

  • RHXORES1 - displays resources not yet assigned per business event

  • RHXORES2 - displays resources not yet assigned per resource type
  • Selection
    The report output depends on the objects selected for reporting,on the reporting period, and on the report parameters you set.

    If you select this indicator and enter a valid location, the report
    lists business events held at the location specified only.

    The list screen for resources not yet assigned per business event
    (entry of object type 'business event/type/group') can contain thefollowing information:

    • Business event name

    • Selection period

    • Name of required resource type

    • Reservation period of resource type

    • Number of reservations

    • Reservation times

    • The list screen for resources not yet assigned per resource type(entry of object type 'resource type') can contain the followinginformation:
      • Resource type name

      • Selection period

      • Name of business event that requires the resource type

      • Reservation period

      • Status of business event (planned/ firmly booked)

      • Number of required reservations

      • Reservation times

      • You select the data you want displayed under Change layout.
        When you choose this function, a dialog box appears with the columnsthat are displayed on the list screen in the left table, and the hiddencolumns in the right table.
        The arrows let you determine what columns are displayed. To transferthe changed layout, choose Transfer.
        To save the layout, choose Save layout. You can call this layoutas required by choosing Choose layout .
        You can find more information about display options on the list screenunder Help in the SAP Library by choosing Getting Started-> The SAP Window -> List -> ABAP List Viewer (ALV):Grid Control.