Programme SAP RHOMATTRIBUTES_ANALYZE - Analysis of Attribute Inheritance

TRADOS memory: ndbw_hr_paos

This program is aimed at finding errors using SAP Support.
It displays the inheritance path including attribute values maintainedlocally, and calculated attribute values (including inheritance) for anindividual object for a given scenario.

The scenario must be fully defined in Customizing and the attributevalues must be maintained.
Data is always evaluated for the current date.

On the selection screen, select a(an) (attribute) scenario and theobject for which you want to analyze data. The objects you can choosedepend on the scenario. Usually, you can use objects of typeOrganizational Unit (O), Position (S), User (US), and in EBP/CRM systemalso Business Partner (BP) and Employee/Central Person (CP).

The entries you made on the selection screen are displayed in theheader area.
The detail area displays the objects reached along the inheritancepath, starting from the top downwards. The attribute values maintainedlocally for each of the objects are displayed below the relevantobject. (On the whole, the values displayed here correspond to thevalues in the transaction for maintaining attribute values).
Attribute values that are not overwritten during the inheritanceprocess are displayed in green.
Attribute values that only change the default or exclusion indicator ofan inherited value are depicted using a tree symbol. They are notattribute values in the true sense, but simply overwrite both of theseindicators if the specified value can be inherited by one of the aboveobjects.
The last node represents the object that was entered and is depictedusing a total indicator. All attribute values that logically belong tothis object, that is all local or inherited values, are displayed belowit. The origin of the attribute value is displayed in the last column.