Programme SAP RHLDRGU0PBS - Random Drug Testing

Random drug screening of employees is required to ensure a drug-freeworkplace. This program (RHLDRGU0PBS ) allows you to get a random listof employees for testing. It will select employees holding TDP (DrugTest Designated Positions).

The Drug Test Designated Position flag is an attribute at the Positionlevel to indicate that a position is drug test relevant.
Infotype 1660 is used to store the TDP flag of a position. The fieldP1660-DRGTEST is required on all positions involved in a random testprocess. The value of this field must be 'X' when the position is aDrug Test Designated Position.

The selection screen enables you to enter selection criteria based uponthe plan version of the organizational structure, the organizationalunit and a key date. This will allow for all the positions andemployees within an organizational unit, that are valid at the dateindicated, to be evaluated during the processing.
Number of employees - You can choose to run the program specifying thenumber of employees you want to select for drug screening.
Percentage of employees - Instead of providing an exact number ofemployees, you can choose to enter a percentage of employees. Thispercentage is based on the total number of employees holding TestDesignated Positions.

The report shows the selected employees and the positions they areholding.
The system date is printed as the date the report was generated.
The list is sorted by personnel number.