Programme SAP RHIQ_UCAS_SYNC_APPDATA - UCAS: Report for synchronizing applicant data

Use this report to synchronize Appicant Data in your system, withthe information stored on UCAS Web Service.


Enter the relevant selection criteria for synchronizing Applicant Data.You can also synchronise the data for a selected group of applicants.
To synchronize data for a selected group of applicants, choose SelectApplicants. UCAS Report for Importing Applicant Data screen displays thefollowing Selection Methods:
Choose Students via Student Number to import multiple Applicants Data.You can select applicants whose data you wish to import, by creating aSelection Variant.
Choose Student via Student Number to import Applicant Data forparticular student. You can select the student by entering his or herStudent Number.
To save a log of the synchronized Applicant Data, choose SaveImport Log.
To view a log of the synchronized Applicant Data, choose ShowImport Log.
To execute the report, choose Program -> Execute.
The report synchronizes the data in the system with the updatedinformation from UCAS Web service. If you select the relevant option,the report displays a log of the synchronization process.
You can also view saved log using the following reports:

  • UCAS: Show Logs
    • UCAS logs for applicant