Programme SAP RHIQ_ISR_MONITOR - Application Overview

Evaluation of Internet Service Requests

You can use this report to evaluate and display Internet servicerequests and the processing status of these requests by scenario orscenario group.


  • Default setting: Use transaction QISR_PS_CUST to select scenarios and
  • transaction QISR_PS_ADMIN to assign them to users.
    • ISR: For scenarios, see transaction QISRSCENARIO.

    • Notification that represents the request: From the grid list, you can
    • access the notification by double clicking it.
      • Business partner: From the grid list, you can access the business
      • partner if the notification is assigned a business partner in the roledefined in TJPPMBP.

        SAPGUI 4.6C


        You must enter a scenario group or scenario. If you are assigned ascenario group, the system proposes this scenario group as the default;this default value can be overwritten. The options Display allnotifications and Do not display all notifs. enable you todisplay large datasets or to restrict the selection.

        • Scenario group: A scenario group is a specific combination of scenarios
        • by which you can select Internet service requests. This field isparticularly important if you want to display the requests for specificemployee roles or for certain subareas and not only those belonging toone scenario. If a scenario group is defined in transactionQISR_PS_CUST, you can assign it to users with transaction QISR_PS_ADMINor enter it on the selection screen.
          • Scenario: You can also enter a single scenario on the selection screen.
          • The system then ignores the assigned scenario group and selects onlythose ISR notifications that belong to the specified scenario.
            • Created on: You can define the selection period for Internet service
            • requests by selecting the respective radio button. The selection period1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 1 year and user-defined always endson the current date. When you choose a selection period, the systemdisplays the start and end dates of this period in the date fields.This default setting is 1 week; the system uses this setting if you donot make a selection. You can also enter a user-defined selectionperiod by choosing User-defined date. When you choose thisoption, the date fields are ready for input.
              • Created at: This entry indicates the time interval of the data entry.
              • The default setting is 0 to 24. Do not enter a time interval if notabsolutely required as this can affect system performance.
                • Name of agent: This field contains the name of the SAP business partner
                • who enters the data. The business partner must exist in the system andbe linked to a user.
                  • Display options:

                  • (Do not)/display all notifications: If you have selected a largenumber of notifications, you can speed up processing by not displayingthem all. When you choose Do not display all notifs., the systemonly displays a selection tree. To display a notification, you mustdouble click the desired line.


                    • Scenario group: Leave the field blank or enter the scenario group
                    • assigned to you in QISR_PS_ADMIN.
                      • Scenario: Blank

                      • Created on: 1 week, i.e. the current week

                      • Created at: 0 to 24

                      • Agent: Blank
                      • Output
                        The selected Internet service requests are displayed in a tree sortedby scenario and primary status. The system displays the number ofrequests that satisfy the selection criteria in each branch. If youselected Display all notifications and there are not too manyrequests, the system displays these in a grid control (one line perrequest) together with the scenario, notification number, notificationdate, primary status, agent, and comment. The fields for approvalstatus and the associated text are hidden in the standard variant. Ifthe scenario is not subject to approval, these fields are blank.
                        When you select a specific scenario or status line, the system displaysthe general notification data for the selection in a grid.
                        If you choose Detail display, the system does not display thegeneral field contents of the notification but the first 20 form fieldsof the XML documents in which they are stored. If you want to displayother fields instead, you can enter these fields in transactionQISR_PS_CUST based on the scenario group and scenario. You must specifythe fields if you have a large number of requests. We recommend you usethis option for list display to keep the grid list relatively short.

                        These standard control options are offered in the tree as well as inthe grid. In particular, use the print preview and print output optionsand the options for list output, sorting, and search. Before you canexecute a search, you must select the column for which the search is tobe executed.
                        In the detail display, you cannot save the display variant as the formfield names are generic. If you want to display this list along withthe form fields, use transaction QISR_PS_CUST to specify the formfields to be displayed in each scenario and scenario group and thenassign this scenario group to yourself in transaction QISR_PS_ADMIN.
                        You can display a notification by selecting the respective line in thegrid list. You can change the notification by choosing change.
                        If the person entering the notification is a business partner, you candisplay the business partner role data.