Programme SAP RHIQU471_T77S0CONVERSION - XPRA Rpt: Copy CAMPU and CAMGB Entries from T77S0 to T7PIQSWITCHVALUE

Conversion report for Campus Management customizing settings in tableT77S0.

From Rel. CM 4.71 onwards the customizing settings from table T77S0will be stored in table T7PIQSWITCHVALUE. This report is startedautomatically during the upgrades to convert those customizing entries.See also the Release-Information Movecustomizing settings from table T77S0 to T7PIQSWITCHVALUE


This report will copy the value of field GSVAL in table T77S0 to thefield VALUE in table T7PIQSWITCHVALUE for all table entries in tableT77S0 where the field GRPID has the value 'CAMPU' or 'CAMGB'.