Programme SAP RHIQU471_STUDENT_NOTES_CONVERT - Conversion Program for Student-Related Notes

The student note functionality has been enhanced.

  • You can create user-defined and predefined notes.

  • You can maintain a note reference when you assign notes to students.

  • This enhancement makes it necessary for you to create an entry in a newCustomizing table (T7PIQNOTETYPES) for each existing note type andinitialize three fields (FUSER, FDATE, PROGCVAR) in the Notesinfotype (1707). To do so, you must run this report program.

    You can use the following parameters to define the actions you want theprogram to perform.

    • Convert Customizing settings

    • Convert the Notes infotype

    • Note conversion must be run in the background.
      You can use the following parameters for test purposes:
      • Only Current Client/All Clients

      • Test Run

      • Output Log

      • Restrict student selection via object ID
      • Output
        This programs creates a log listing the actions performed.

        First execute a test run of the conversion program in the dialog modefor the current client.
        If the test run was executed successfully, you can execute an updaterun of the conversion program in the background for all clients. Setthe parameters so that both conversion runs are executed.
        If errors occur during conversion, contact the SAP Hotline.